Hi, we are always looking for qualified virtual teachers like yourself!
Before you send that "I would like to know more information email to TSC" please read the instructions below. We have worked hard with our teachers to create an easy to follow informative Google Form for teachers to use to apply to list classes.
We are looking for the following:
-Virtual teachers willing to offer self paced classes of various lengths in all subjects.
-Virtual teachers/tutors willing to offer self paced parent help sessions.
-Homeschool parents willing to offer fun electives in various hobby or specialty areas.
As of July 2024, we are the only platform that pays 75%, the highest rate for platform classes so far.
If one of the above interest you then please continue below.
Class Information:
Self Paced Classes-For these classes, teachers will create a Google Classroom class with a video lesson each week and 4-5 mini assignments for the week. The GC format template provides a place for the teacher to add a task 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Normally the video goes on task 1, and the other tasks are practice assignments, labs to try at home, or more video lessons. The 5 task format helps make the class more marketable for homeschoolers and private/charter school programs. Students can move through the class at their own pace during the school year. These classes are great for teachers who are unable to offer live classes but are looking for passive income after the class is created. Teachers set their own prices for self paced classes. Students can register for self paced classes all year long. With self paced classes, a teacher can create a class and then sit back and make income the rest of the year. Self paced class creation is a great way for teachers to have a side gig for income, and to organize/create a class they have always wanted to make. Self paced teachers decide on what class length and class price works for them.
Parent Classes-These classes will be quick short courses created by teachers to help parents on the homeschool journey in various areas. In the past we have offered live parent classes, but self paced classes sell best. For the 2024-2025 school year we are going to focus on having self paced parent classes to fit parent schedules. These self paced classes can range from a one day class up to a full year. Teachers can set their own price on parent self paced classes.
Reasons to join TSC teacher team:
1) The goal of TSC is to provide a supportive environment that most virtual platforms are missing. TSC handles registration, basic parent emails, website hosting, and payouts. All classes will be hosted in Google Classroom. Most teachers and families are familiar with Google Classroom. A Google Classroom template will be provided to each teacher to help ease the process so teachers can quickly enter the assignments with ease. Additional how-to free trainings will be provided on how to use Google Classroom, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Forms, and other Google type forms if requested. Our director is on hand, and will respond to emails or Google chats the same day when teachers need support.
Approved teachers will be added to our TSC FB Teacher Lounge where teachers will be able to list other virtual opportunities, share training that have been helpful, and other supportive information. The atmosphere will provide a rare glimpse at what a virtual team can do if they put their minds together to help each other.
Approved teachers will be added to the TSC Google Classroom. In the teacher GC, teachers will be able to access lots of helpful videos on interactives like Quizizz, Quizlet, Nearpod, Gimkit, Kahoot, Blooket, Flocabulary, Flipgrid, and other ed tech skills to make virtual teaching easier. Deadlines on when to upload grades, information for the website, and other important dates will be housed in the GC to help with easy organization.
Our program is more flexible than programs like Outschool. Teachers can post their own Youtube links, or interactive codes to help make the teaching experience fit the needs of the classroom.
2) The second goal is to provide quality curriculum for homeschool families, cooperative programs, charter schools, and private schools. Our program offers a large variety of classes to meet the needs of virtual learning. By providing a more supportive and flexible atmosphere we are able to house classes from some of the best teachers in the world.
3) Our third goal is to provide teachers a place to make passive income. Sadly, teacher incomes in the public school system could be better so our platform provides a place for in-person, virtual teachers, retired teachers, charter school reps, and homeschool moms to make additional income. Our platform pays teachers 75% which is higher than any other platform. Our platform was created by a virtual teacher so teacher income was top priority when TSC was created.
Our program is uniform in that self paced teachers all use Google Classroom. Each week families will find 5 tasks to work on. Families will see: Week 1 Task 1, Task 2, Task 3, Task 4, and Task 5. Normally teachers put the lesson or video in task 1. Then task 2-5 are there for extra practice. Many core teachers place assessments for task 5. By having 5 tasks each week it makes the class more marketable for private and charter schools. These programs have a supervising teacher the student meets with each day on campus. The supervising teacher will direct the student to work on a task each day. By having five tasks homeschool families enjoy the ability to have a tasks for each day or the ability to work at their own pace through the tasks during the week. It provides a uniform, marketable, and organized fashion that has really worked well for our program to help sell our classes.
So what are the requirements?
-willing to offer 1-3 self paced classes a semester to stay active in the program
-clean background check
-experience teaching online (the use of Zoom/Loom or other video platforms)
-willingness to watch how to videos or attend free trainings on how to use Google Classroom
-ability to respond to message from TSC admin, students, or parents in a timely manner
-ability to create Google Classroom classes (goal is to complete a course within 3 months)
If you are ready to join our incredible team please visit our TEACHER INFO GOOGLE FORM.