Deep Sea Creatures - Frightening and Fascinating Self Paced (Grade 4-10: 9 Weeks) Part 2

Deep Sea Creatures - Frightening and Fascinating Self Paced (Grade 4-10: 9 Weeks) Part 2

Deep Sea Creatures Part 2

This series has two parts, but students do not have to complete both parts in order.

Grades 4-10

Instructor: McCleign

Class Syllabus

Length: 9 Weeks

Deep Sea Creatures 10-18

Syllabus for modules 10-18


You do not have to take modules 1-9 prior to taking this class, it can be done before or after that class. In this 9-module self-paced class, we will dive… deep down into the depths of the ocean. We will continue to look at a variety of animals that can be found in the deep-sea, scouring the globe. Using a combination of slides, photos, videos, worksheets, and activity, and quizzes every module, we will learn about these fascinating (and sometimes frightening!) animals. There will also be a final ‘Discover a Deep Sea Creature’ project.

Learning Objectives and Source Material

The goal is to introduce students to animals found in the living in the deep sea and the environments they live in. I hope to instill in them an awareness and love for what can be found in the ocean on our own planet, many animals of which most people have never heard of before. There are so many amazing animals found in the ocean with so many interesting things to share about them.  I am very passionate about what I teach. In an area of science that frequently changes, I make an effort to keep the information as updated as I can. All of my information is taken from scientific sources, including Monterrey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), Nautilus Live Ocean Exploration Trust, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Ocean Exploration. 

Module 10

An introduction to the ocean zones and what makes them different. The following animals are covered in this module: Slime Star, Pointy Nose Blue Chimaera, Bone Eating Worm, Poliopogon Sponge, Mushroom Coral, Sable Fish, Deepwater Hermit Crab, and the Cookie Cutter Shark. Each week we will take a look at where in the world they are found, introduce adaptations they have that allow them to survive in their particular environment, diet, defenses, and interesting facts. An introduction to lateral line system.

Module 11

Furthering our dive into the deep sea, we take a look at 8 new animals this module: Pyrosome, Sea Pen, Lion’s Mane Jelly, Blue Antimora, Mauve Stinger Jelly, Long Spine Sea Urchin, Brisingid Star, and the Goosefish. We will take a look at where in the world they are found, how they can survive in their particular environment, diet, and interesting facts. A small introduction to bioluminescence.

Module 12

Furthering our dive into the deep sea, we take a look at 8 new animals this module: Spiny Dogfish, Black Coral Plume, Parchment Worm, Black Oreo, Giant Sea Anemone, Homolid Carrier Crab, Cutthroat Eel, and the Chaunacops. We will look at where in the world they are found, how they survive, diet, and interesting facts. We will also discuss symbiotic relationships.

Module 13

Furthering our dive into the deep sea, we take a look at 8 new animals this module:  Flattened Sea Urchin, Acorn Worm, Halosaur, Predatory Tunicate, Fireworks Coral, Tripod Fish, Giant Phantom Jelly, and the Sunflower Star. We will take a look at an animal that use venom as a defense that you wouldn’t expect, as well as taking a look at an animal that is critically endangered after an underwater pandemic took them to the edge of extinction.

Module 14

Furthering our dive into the deep sea, we take a look at 8 new animals this module: Long Legged Shrimp, Shortspine Thornyhead, Squat Lobster, Psychedelic Jelly, Oilfish, Striped Sea Urchin, Aphrodite Sea Mouse, and the Swell shark. There are some trendsetters this week... animals with super long spines, dazzling tentacles, and even one that fluoresces. We also will have an introduction to biomimetics, which is nature inspired design and innovation.

Module 15

Furthering our dive into the deep sea, we take a look at 8 new animals this module: Hawaiian Spikefish, Doliolid Midwater Tunicate, Tanner Crab, Abyssal Comb Jelly, Hydrothermal Vent Eelpout, Sand Striker Worm, Duckbill Opalfish, and the Lollipop Catshark. We will take a brief look into hydrothermal vents. We will also learn about an animal that can use cilia ‘hairs’ as teeth, and an amazing worm with lightning fast reflexes.

Module 16

Furthering our dive into the deep sea, we take a look at 8 new animals this module: Sessile Sea Cucumber, Elvis Glitter Worm, Crystal Amphipod, Smallmouth Spiny Eel, Mola Mola Sunfish, Paper Lantern Jelly, Deep Sea Clam, and the Indosquilla Manthis Shrimp. We will look at animals that can cancel out light, an animal that hold two world records, and a deep sea cousin of the famous peacock mantis shrimp that doesnt get as much fame as it deserves. 

Module 17

Furthering our dive into the deep sea, we take a look at 8 new animals this module: Deepstaria Jelly, Babysitter Snail, Pompom Anemone, Bathytyphlops fish (say that three times fast!), Balloon Worm, Lancet Fish, Holopus Crinoid, and the Kitefin Shark. We will look at some unique adaptations to these species that other similar animals do not have.

Module 18

Finishing our dive into the deep sea for this class, we take a look at 8 new animals: Sawtooth Eel, Venus Girdle, Benthic Ctenophore, Spaghetti Worm, Wooly Siphonophore, Silky Colobonema, Skeleton Shrimp, and the Ipnops Fish. We will be introduced to the animal group of siphonophores and how they are unable to survive by themselves but must live as a colony. 

Materials Needed

This class has worksheets, so there needs to be access to a printer. (If you don't have a printer, many public libraries have the ability to print). A pencil/pen will be needed. A ruler or yardstick will be helpful for the student to see the sizes mentioned in person, but it is not required. 

About the Instructor

Ms. Veronica holds an Associate's degree in Wildlife Education. She has a passion for marine biology, especially when it comes to all things deep sea related. She has homeschooled for the last 11 years, and has taught marine biology online for the last 3 years. Furthermore, she has experience teaching children with developmental disabilities and homeschooling her nephew, who has Autism Spectrum Disorder.

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