Elementary Earth Science (Grades 3-5: 17 Weeks)
Welcome to Elementary Earth Science. This course will focus on the exciting world of Earth Science. Students will enjoy lots of fun projects and labs to try at home. Students will use an interactive notebook to add science drawings, and add key vocabulary. The use of play-dohs or clay will be used to make 3d models of the Earth and atmospheric layers. Students can also add fun touches using Legos to represent the water cycle and weather systems. Dioramas will be created to demonstrate different severe weather systems. The final project is a Styrofoam solar system.
Length: Semester (17 Weeks)
Students can take up to 12 months to complete the course.
Topics Of Study:
Introductions, Project Techniques, Pick A Project Topic, Scientific Method
What Is Earth Science, Earth Science Careers
Layers Of Earth, Plate Tectonics
Rocks & Minerals
Weathering, Erosion
Water Cycle
The Atmosphere
Solar System
Format: This course will follow the FLEX format. Lessons will be found In a Google Classroom, with 5-7 assignments each week. Tasks involve vocabulary, discussion questions, inquiry based discussion topics, and labs to recreate at home.
Assignments: Short chapters to read and respond to questions, true/false questions, fill in the blank questions, diagrams, summaries and worksheets.
Labs: Short labs will be given using common household or items found in nature.
Projects: Students will be given various projects to work on related to the current lesson for project based learning opportunities. Students will also make video responses over projects to show comprehension techniques.
Assessments: Tests will be provided using an interactive program. Students will receive an immediate grade, and be able to retake any exams.
Student Submissions: Students will upload images of their finished work, diagrams, and pictures of lab steps to show their methods of comprehension along the way each week. In addition, they can upload video responses and written responses.
How can FLEX courses benefit your child? This is great for students that prefer less student interaction, families that prefer a low key less stress classroom settings, families that travel, or students who prefer learning in a flexible format.
1. Students may need help logging into the online classroom, parents are asked to help the student log in each week and check in regularly on class progress/pacing goals. The class is setup for independent learning but parents will still need to check in to make sure the family pacing goals are being met.
2. The class is geared for 3-5th graders.
3. Siblings can take this group together to work on labs at home together.
4. Students will be given online short chapters to read, these chapters will be provided via pdf.
5. Parents will need to make sure students understand how to upload work. The first week will involve various practice assignments for parents and students to practice uploading.
6. Students need to be willing to log in a minimum of twice a week for the instruction to keep a steady pace.
This course will meet the standards needs for 3-5th grade science.
The full set of standards can be accessed by the parent at https://www.nextgenscience.org
Curriculum: Students will be provided any online chapter resources. The instructor will use a combination of Holt Earth Science, Glencoe Earth Systems, Lumen Learning, Ga Virtual, 4-H Curriculum, and CK-12.