Junior High General Math Self Paced (Grades 5-8: Full Year)
Junior High General Math
Instructor: Frazier
Year Long Self Paced Course
Grades 5-8
Junior High General Math
Source curriculum: Based on Illustrative Math Accelerated 6 (intended for age 11-12 on the 8th grade Algebra 1 timeline) with additional resources, Teachermade.com app
Summary: Junior High General Math is a “pre-prealgebra” class. Through the year, learners will calculate with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percents, and negative numbers. They will use ratios, proportions, and equations to express relationships between quantities. All these skills, as well as data analysis and probability, will be applied to real world problem solving.
Prerequisite: Arithmetic and Applications or equivalent, or strong achievement in elementary math
Topic Outline
Area and Surface Area
Filling and decomposing shapes
Reasoning and formulas for rectangles, parallelograms, triangles, and other polygons
Surface area of polyhedra
Ratios, Rates, and Percentages
Ratios as comparisons
Equivalent ratios and comparing ratios
Converting units
Unit rates
Equivalent rates and comparing rates
Problem solving with ratios, rates, and percentages
Fractions and Decimals
Review of adding, subtracting, and multiplying fractions
Dividing fractions
Ratios and rates in fractions
Fractions in geometry
Problem solving with fractions
Operations with decimals
Problem solving with decimals
Equations and Expressions
Visual representations (ribbon diagrams, balance diagrams)
Inverse operations and working backwards
Equivalent expressions
The distributive property
Expressions and formulas with exponents
Using and translating between equations, tables, and graphs
Problem solving with equations
Proportion equations, graphs, and tables
Comparing proportional relationships
Problem solving with proportions
Circumference and area of circles
Problem solving with circles
Percentage Changes
Increasing and decreasing
Growth and decay factors
Changes with equations
Sequential and repeated changes
Margins of error
Problem solving with percentages
Rational Numbers
Apply all four operations with any rational numbers (including positive, zero, and negative, as well as integers, decimals, and fractions)
Absolute value
Four-quadrant graphing
Equations with rational numbers
Problem solving with rational numbers
Data and Distributions
Samples and populations
Sampling strategies
Data displays
Measures of central tendency (mean and median)
Measures of variability (range and IQR)
Theoretical and empirical probability
Sample spaces, outcomes, and events
Compound probabilities